Who We Are

Peter is a noted furniture maker specializing in Japanese Shoji, Arts and Craft and Shaker style pieces. He is also a pioneer in wood turning utilizing a laser in the production of his pieces.
He is also a production wood turner creating both artistic and commercial pieces.
He loves to sit in on Irish sessions playing his Button Accordion and Penny Whistle with considerably less skill than his wood working.

Even though Terry does some of the design work for the larger furniture pieces Peter makes, she prefers producing more of the smaller pieces in her woodworking projects. With over 18 years woodworking experience she enjoys incorporating different design elements from Asian and American Arts and Craft styles.
In addition to woodworking, her passions are hanging out with her rescue dogs and playing Irish and Scottish style fiddle.
We had been in the corporate world for 35 years – with our international boutique Market Research, Business Consulting and Corporate Strategy within the Opto-Electronics sector specializing in product research & market entry, technology transfer and patent litigation. Milestone Cube was started 20 years ago, developing Cubes for Peter’s father (NFL Hall of Famer) who developed Alzheimer’s and has now grown into an international business as well.